/*# Metadata ################################### Header v.2 # $URL: http://gt-nas-1/svn/gamebase.frontend/trunk/xsl_gamebase/x__gamebase_2.0/js/GT.Request.HTML.js $ # $Rev: 1663 $ # $Date: 2011-03-01 15:41:08 +0100 (Di, 01 Mär 2011) $ # $Author: bstei $ ### TOC ################################################### # ### Description ########################################### # checks the HTTP response for an existing
tag with a success="true" attribute (on the root level) # and returns the containing elements to the onSuccess method. #########################################################*/ (function ($) { this.GT = this.GT || {}; this.GT.Request = this.GT.Request || {}; this.GT.Request.HTML = this.GT.Request.HTML || new Class({ Extends: Request.HTML, isSuccess: function () { var retVal = false; if ((this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300)){ retVal = /^(?:<(?:\!|\?)[^>]*>\s*)?
/.test(this.xhr.responseText); } return retVal; }, success: function(text){ var options = this.options, response = this.response; response.html = text.stripScripts(function(script){ response.javascript = script; }); response.html = response.html.replace(/^(?:<(?:\!|\?)[^>]*>\s*)?
(\s)*/, '').replace(/(\s)*<\/div>$/, ''); var temp = new Element('div').set('html', response.html); response.tree = temp.childNodes; response.elements = temp.getElements('*'); if (options.filter) response.tree = response.elements.filter(options.filter); if (options.update) document.id(options.update).empty().set('html', response.html); else if (options.append) document.id(options.append).adopt(temp.getChildren()); if (options.evalScripts) $exec(response.javascript); this.onSuccess(response.tree, response.elements, response.html, response.javascript); } }); })(document.id);